A. Background of the problem
In the achievement of learning success, many factors influence, one of which is the form of learning. The success of learning in schools is indicated by the level of mastery or understanding of the teaching material by students, which is usually in the form of grades given by a teacher.

The results of the learning activities carried out at SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman, showed students' understanding of science learning outcomes with the subject matter of Human Skeleton Structure and the Five Senses through a written test. satisfactory, especially on the questions in the form of Essays. 

2. Problem Identification
The results of the test given to 15 fourth grade students at SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman from 15 questions with details of 10 multiple choice questions 5 questions in the form of Essays, it turned out that students were only able to answer multiple-choice questions and even then there were no students whose answers were all correct. From this fact, it requires the author to do self-reflection on the problems that arise in the classroom by conducting Classroom Action Research (CAR) to identify problems in the classroom, namely the lack of students' understanding of science learning outcomes with the subject matter of Human Framework Structure and Tools. Five Senses through a written test.    

In identifying in the classroom the difficulty of students understanding the teaching material that the author teaches, the author gets guidance from the supervisor and from colleagues who act as observators in providing input on the implementation of learning improvements. 

3. Problem analysis
With directions and inputs from supervisors and colleagues, the authors try to solve the identified problems, then analyze and try to trace the causes of learning problems in the classroom, by looking at the two main elements in learning, namely Students and Teachers, it is obtained:   
Problems that arise because of the Teacher (Author)
  1. At the time of explaining the teacher is too fast
  2. The teacher does not provide concrete examples that are easy for students to understand
  3. Teachers still use conventional methods, namely monotonous lectures
  4. Questions and answers are not given to students
Problems that arise because of students.
  1. Students do not pay attention to the teacher's explanation
  2. Students do not respond to the material taught by the teacher
  3. Students work together if given individual assignments
B. Formulation of the problem
Based on the results of the identification of problems that have been analyzed and explored with the Supervisor and Peers, the authors formulate the research problem as follows: "How to Use the Demonstration Method in Science Learning in Improving Students' Understanding on the Subject of the Structure of the Human Skeleton and the Five Senses in Class IV SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman for the 2009/2010 academic year. 

C. Repair Purpose
By the results of the formulation of the problem that has been determined, the purpose of this study is to improve students' ability to understand science lessons using the Demonstration method on the subject of Human Skeletal Structure and the Five Senses in Grade IV of SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman for the 2009/2010 academic year.

D. Repair Benefits
In this classroom action research, it is hoped that it will be useful or an alternative learning method in the classroom, while the writer hopes that this research can be useful for:

1)  For Teacher

This research can be used as a guideline to improve their performance as professional teachers and at the same time to improve the learning they manage.

 2)  For school

This research is expected to make a contribution to the school in terms of improving the learning outcomes at the school. 

3)  For Students

This research is expected to provide an atmosphere that is not monotonous in learning so that students are not bored in learning.


A. Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes are abilities possessed by students after the recipients of their learning experiences experience changes in the abilities achieved by students (Sudjana, 2006)

B. Consolidation of Professional Ability
In essence, PKP is an activity program that provides learning experiences to improve the professional abilities of elementary school teachers in managing learning. This means that elementary school teachers are not only responsible for teaching five fields of study as classroom teachers in elementary schools, but also must be skilled at managing and improving or improving the learning process in other subjects, for example, Mathematics, Social Sciences (IPS), Natural Sciences (IPA), Citizenship Education (PKn) and Indonesian.                  

C. Classroom action research
Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a variety of learning research in the context of a classroom carried out by teachers to solve learning problems faced by teachers, improve the quality and learning outcomes and try out new learning things to improve the quality and learning outcomes.

Based on the number and nature of the behavior of its members, CAR can be in the form of individual and collaborative, which can be called individual CAR and collaborative CAR. In individual CAR, a teacher carries out CAR in their own class or in someone else's class, while in collaborative CAR, several teachers synergistically carry out CAR in their respective classes and among members make visits between classes.

Classroom Action Research (CAR) has the following characteristics:
  • It is cyclical, meaning that CAR is seen in cycles (planning, giving action, observing, and reflecting), as a standard research procedure.
  • It is longitudinal, meaning that CAR must take place within a certain period of time (eg 2-3 months) continuously to obtain the necessary data, not "one-shot" after its implementation.
  • It is particular-specific so it does not intend to generalize to obtain the arguments. The results are not to be generalized even though they may be applied by other people and in other places with similar contexts.
  • Participatory in nature, in the sense that teachers are researchers as well as agents of change and targets that need to be changed. This means that the teacher has a dual role, namely as the person who researches and who is also researched.
  • It is emic (not ethical), meaning that CAR looks at learning from an insider's point of view that is not far from what is being studied; not according to the point of view of outsiders who are distant from the thing being studied.
  • Collaborative or cooperative, meaning that in the implementation of CAR there is always cooperation or collaboration between researchers (teachers) and other parties for the validity and achievement of research objectives.
  • It is casuistic in nature, meaning that CAR works on specific or certain cases in learning that is real and affordable by the teacher; working on big problems.
  • Using the natural context of the class means that the class as a venue for the implementation of CAR does not need to be manipulated and or engineered for the needs, interests, and achievement of research objectives.
  • Prioritizing the adequacy of the data needed to achieve the research objectives, not the representativeness (representation of the number) of the sample quantitatively. Therefore, CAR only requires the use of simple statistics, not complicated ones.
Intending to change reality, and learning situations for the better and meet expectations, not intending to build theories and test hypotheses, (Chotimah, Husnul, et al. 2005)

The objectives of Classroom Action Research (CAR) are as follows:
  • Improve and improve the quality of learning practices carried out by teachers to achieve learning objectives.
  • Improve and improve learning performances carried out by teachers.
  • Identify, find solutions, and overcome learning problems in the classroom so that learning is quality.
  • Improve and strengthen the ability of teachers to solve learning problems and make the right decisions for students and the classes they teach.
  • Explore and produce learning creations and innovations (for example, approaches, methods, strategies, and media) that can be done by teachers to improve the quality of learning processes and outcomes.
  • Try new ideas, thoughts, tips, methods, and strategies in learning to improve the quality of learning in addition to the innovative ability of teachers.
  • Explore learning that is always insightful or research-based so that learning can rely on the empirical reality of the classroom, not solely on general impressions or assumptions, (Chotimah, Husnul, et al. 2005)
Classroom action research is one type of research that is carried out in the classroom, this research arises because of problems in the classroom faced by teachers or students related to learning. This research was conducted to make improvements related to learning problems so that teachers can obtain solutions to the problems encountered so that complete learning can be achieved.

D. Demonstration Method
The demonstration method is a way of presenting subject matter with an oral explanation accompanied by examples of actions or showing a certain process which is then followed or tried by students to do it. In demonstrations, the teacher demonstrates or gives examples, which are then experimented with by students. Thus, a demonstration is always followed by experimental activities (Sudjana, 2002).

The aims and benefits of this demonstration method are:
  • To provide a clearer picture and understanding than just an oral explanation.
  • To provide opportunities for students to make careful observations.
  • To avoid verbalism, because in this method after students see a demonstration or example students can try to do it.
  • To provide opportunities for students to make careful observations.
  • To avoid verbalism, because in this method after students see a demonstration or example students can try to do it.
E. Science Lessons with Main Material Structure of the Human Skeleton and the Five Senses.
Natural Science lessons (IPA) or commonly called Science is a compulsory subject in Elementary and Secondary education and the learning curriculum from the Director-General of National Education, science lessons in elementary grade IV are material, concerning the types of human skeletons, types of animals, and their breeding. In this classroom action research, the author takes the subject matter concerning the Human Skeleton Structure and the Five Senses.

The body skeleton is composed of the neck bone to the tailbone, the neck bone is formed by seven bones. The cervical spine is continuous with the spine to the tailbone. The backbone of the tailbone is formed by 26 vertebrae. So the number of vertebrae from the neck to the tailbone is 33 vertebrae, and this is called the spine. The five senses that will be discussed in this study are the five senses of sight (eyes), the parts that protect the eyes are the eyebrows, eyelids, and eyelashes.


A. Research subject
This research was conducted in class IV of SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman. The implementation of this learning improvement was carried out in two cycles carried out according to the schedule determined by the supervisor and colleagues.

B. Description Per Cycle
At this stage the author makes an implementation plan and the actions to be taken, as for the stages as follows:

1. Plan
After holding a written test of the learning outcomes carried out in the classroom, it turned out that the test results were not in accordance with the expected assessment objectives, so the authors prepared a lesson plan for the next subject. The steps that the author takes for the next learning with different sub-topics, namely the Skeleton and the Five Senses of Man with the Demonstration method, while the schedule for the plan is as follows:

Cycle I:
  • Students in the class will be divided into 2 groups with details of group I will be assigned to take the human skeleton, group II will be assigned to take the human eye skeleton, all of which have been provided by the teacher,
  • Students will be asked to name the parts of the human skeleton in their respective groups, with guidance by the teacher while the teacher points to the part of the human skeleton in question.
  • Students will be asked to tell about the human skeleton in their respective groups, which relates to the parts of the human skeleton and its functions, with the guidance of the teacher while the teacher points to the part of the human skeleton in question. 
  • Students will be asked to conclude about the parts and functions of the human skeleton in their group. 
  • The teacher holds a written test with 2 forms of questions, namely Multiple Choice and Essay (10 multiple choice questions and 5 questions Essay questions)
Cycle II:
  • The group exchanged the possessed human skeleton. 
  • The teacher explains the parts of the human skeleton and their functions while demonstrating the names, types, and functions to students with the same human skeleton that each group has. 
  • The teacher holds questions and answers to students and responds to students who answer correctly, less correctly, or incorrectly.
  • The teacher holds a written test with 2 forms of questions, namely Multiple Choice and Essay (10 multiple choice questions and 5 questions Essay questions)
2. Implementation
By carrying out all the plans in the first cycle and following the signs of improvement according to the form of improving learning through Classroom Action Research, it gives meaningful and positive results. This is shown from the results of student scores which have increased compared to the results before learning with the Demonstration method even on other subjects. Of the 15 students' test scores in the first cycle, 1 student got a score of 80, 3 students got a score of 75, 3 students got a score of 65 and the rest were below 65. 

The next step is implementing learning improvements in the second cycle. By carrying out all the plans in cycle II and following the signs of improvement according to the form of remedial learning through Classroom Action Research and it turns out that the ability of students to answer test results in the second cycle is very good because out of 15 students, there are 2 students who get a score of 100, 1 student gets 90, and 4 other students got a score of 85, while the value of 75 was obtained by 3 students and 5 students getting a score of 70. Thus, the improvements made by the author have been deemed successful in accordance with the assessment objectives desired by the author (teacher).

C. Observation
The implementation of learning improvement using the cycle I and II systems with the help of colleagues who act as observatories has succeeded in knowing the problems in the classroom quickly and accurately through data collection techniques in the form of written tests using the demonstration method. From this observation, the writer managed to collect data that was in accordance with the problems that the writer had stated in the background of this research. Based on the data on the existing problems, the writer can carefully determine the tools and learning methods according to the students' abilities, namely the Demonstration method.

D. Reflection
Reflection is part of classroom action research to improve the learning system, at this stage, the author tries to reflect on what are the weaknesses and strengths in the first cycle and try to improve the weaknesses and maintain the strengths in the second cycle. With the help of colleagues, the author made improvements to learning through two cycles using the Demonstration method. 

Cycle I:
  • Weakness; Each group has a different human skeleton so that the mastery is only on the human skeleton in the group.
  • Strengths: Students clearly see what the object is being studied and explained by the teacher.
Cycle II:
  • By exchanging the human framework described, all groups will understand more deeply about the object being studied. 


A. Description Per Cycle
In this chapter, the author will discuss the results of the research in accordance with the implementation of learning improvements that the authors have done in two cycles with different time spans in order to produce value and success in learning. In this section, the author presents the form of positive changes that occur in each cycle, in the form of a table of values. 

Table of Values ​​in Grade IV of SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman After Repair
From the table above, it can be seen that the achievement of values that occurred from cycle I and cycle II increased. 

B. Discussion of Each Cycle
The classroom action research that the author did in class IV SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman has shown positive success seen from the test results shown by students, namely by comparing the test results before learning with the demonstration method and learning outcomes in the first cycle, as well as the results of the first cycle compared with In the second cycle, all of them increased and there was even complete learning on the subject because the average score of students in class IV was above 70 (good).

A. Conclusion
After carrying out learning improvement activities carried out at SD Negeri 002 Muara Koman on the understanding of students who lacked in science lessons with the subject matter of the relationship between the Skeleton and the Five Senses of Man by using the Demonstration method, then through two cycles of improvement in learning the students who got poor grades succeeded in showing their cognitive abilities in understanding the questions given by the teacher.

This shows that with the implementation of learning improvements using this demonstration method, the teacher is able to reflect on himself so that the provision of material in class can be done correctly when giving an explanation is not too fast and the teacher is also able to provide concrete examples so that it is easy to understand. by students. In addition, the teacher must also be good at choosing the right teaching method and the teacher is also pleased to provide opportunities for students to ask questions. With the implementation of improved learning in this class, of course, it will make students enthusiastic in paying attention to the teacher's explanations and it is hoped that students will be enthusiastic in paying attention to the teacher's explanations and it is also hoped that students will not imitate each other's results in class.

B. Suggestion
Based on these conclusions, there are several things that must be considered by teachers in improving the quality of student learning, namely:
  • In the provision of subject matter, it should be done properly, if needed, use props appropriately and not confuse students' understanding.
  • When giving an explanation, don't be too quick and don't forget to use language that is easy for students to understand.
  • The teacher should ask questions and also provide opportunities to ask students.
  • There should be a follow-up to go through the Subject Teacher Consultation (MGMP) and attend training in order to improve the quality of teaching.

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